Do you know why the rooster is a symbol of France and the French people?

The French rooster has had a special and
long-standing association with being the symbol of France and its people.
The rooster has had a special and long-standing association with being the symbol of France and its people.
FrechIt was the French Revolution that established the rooster as a fitting symbol to represent the identity of the people of France, and although briefly replaced with the eagle by Napoleon, the rooster returned during the First World War to represent resistance and bravery in the face of the Prussian eagle. The rooster, coming from peasant origins with a proud and courageous character, perfectly depicted the ideals of the French people and how they wished others to see them.
Today, the rooster remains a national symbol of France, although not an official one and a quintessential French country decor symbol, decorating bake wear, soft furnishings and other homewares.